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Athletic Management sp. z o.o.

1. About us

Athletic Group is a consulting and investment holding of over 20 entities operating in Poland and other European Markets. The Group’s activity focuses on investments in real estate projects and cross-border consulting services. The Group belongs to companies controlled by Mr. Zeng Xiaohui, who has been running his businesses in Poland for 20 years.



Sector and business analyses are fundamental to success of future investment decisions. Athletic is in a position to support you in pre-investment research.


Selectin of business partners belong to the main business accelerators in cross-border activity. While co-ordination of business relationship ensure stable growth and mitigates risks of foreign markets. Athletic has a long-term experience in Polish, Chinese and other market.


Incorporation – selection of a proper legal structure belong to the fundamental aspects of cross-border activity. Thus, we are ready to provide our customers with a full scope of services related to selection, incorporation and administration of Polish entities.Sector and business analyses are fundamental to success of future investment decisions. Athletic is in a position to support you in pre-investment research.


These services are addressed to the customers of clear and well defined investment strategies. Based on our long-term experience obtained on Polish market, Athletic is in a position to select and provide its’ customers with pre-defined list of potential investment targets.


Complex and multi-party investment projects requires organization of internal processes. By implementation of project management approach, Athletic facilitates investment processes focusing on exchange of information and documentation, co-ordinating legal and financial processes and controlling of deadlines and key success factors.


Due Diligence and assets valuation services are concerned by Athletis as a supplementary services. These services are supporting to our core business and provided in order to provide our customers with a full range of investment services giving them comfort and mitigating risks related to investment process. Due Diligence and valuation services are provided with a strong co-operation with an external business partners: law firms, property valuation experts and finance advisors.

The right team for your projects

we work, you prosper

3. Meet our people

Main team

Associated Law Firm

Michał Fifielski

Associated Law Firm

Michał Fifielski

Michał has been working as an in house lawyer for international companies in Europe as well as running his own legal office in Warsaw. While gaining experience he has worked in German legal offices in order to maximize his knowledge on legal cooperation within European Union. He has been a CLO for an international company with Asian capital, investing in real estate in Europe. His key of activity is to provide legal analysis, create a legal structure and minimize legal risks for internationally owned businesses.

Professional Profile
Participation in Litigation Risk team for international companies doing business in Poland, including advisory to minimize the risk for legal errors and/or consequences from business decisions. Creation of corporate, owners and shareholders structures within internationally owned entities, for most effective financial and tax results. Cooperation with service providers who specialize in international tax planning for foreign investors.

Legal help in investment processes, especially investments into real estate business in CEE countries. Providing due diligence processes for investors in CEE entities. The due diligence processes in order to be successful require full analysis of an entity’s legal situation: including the contacts an entity I party of, administrational obligations arising from an entity’s scope of activities as well as its data mapping and ex-lege duties.

Foreigners status in Europe is another activity, where a great deal of focus is necessary. Due to ever more international relations of CEE countries, the legal services for foreigners have never been more needed. Currently almost every foreign owned company requires its employees to be able to visit Europe and/or work for its branch or subsidiary. Establishing and organizing work of subsidiaries of foreign entities requires understanding of the parent company in order to allow its employees or management, to fully focus on their business goals.


Telephone:0048 693746984

4. Contact

working hours

Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:30 Hrs

we are here

Athletic Management Sp. z o.o.
ul. Pandy 7, 02-202 Warszawa
email: office@athleticmanagement.eu